Looks like i'm not going this year.
I go to the PC Fair like almost every other time, so i guess there's no need to go this time around.
And i hardly buy anything actually.
Just menyesak and menyemak only.
But, there's one thing that i wanted to buy actually.
A pendrive, that is.
Maybe a good, cheap, solid, 8GB/16GB pendrive will suffice.
Especially in the college/workplace environment, a pendrive is like the most important thing in the world.
Data transfer here and there, important documents, pictures and what not.
And pendrives are one of the easiest things to lose too.
Spot as many pendrive(s) as you can!
It is so small that it could easily be misplaced.
Or accidentally left at the USB port.
Those are the common mistakes.
Then, there's the pendrive pilferer.
A pendrive pilferer is a person who likes to take others' pendrives, whether accidentally or not, i'm not sure.
As far as i know, this guy does not have a pendrive.
But then again, whenever he needs to take something (like a movie or a document),
he would always come up with a different pendrive, and claiming that was his.
One of the pilferer's private stash
The most common mistake that people commit, however,
is storing private photos inside the pendrive.
Ahh.. ever committed that crime before?
Some people do this, unintentionally, and of course, unaware to the dangers,
especially girls.
Take this scenario.
Somebody wants to borrow your pendrive, and that certain somebody explores the files inside,
and hey, photos inside!
Let's explore!
If the person is trustful enough (like me, for example), well then, lucky you,
but if it falls into the wrong hands,
your photos in the bathtub or you kissing your boyfriend passionately might end up in Melayu Boleh.
So, guys and girls, beware.
Alrighty then, i changed my mind.
I may be going to the PC Fair after all.
Closing time is always the best time!
closing time, semua nak jual dengan harga ape pun, asalkan abis. HAHA
aku xsuka pc fair skrg
xmurah mana pun
xmacam dlu2
betul murah giler2
Jalan imbi juge murah. kedai robin tercinta. huhu
** kali ni pon x pegi PC fair. malas bersesak-sesak **
i pegy las friday..menyemak jugak :)
akuuuu gak yang bersalah.aku simpan untuk korang lah... >_<
closing time sesak cam babi dowh..
gile ah ade plak pendrive pilferer hahahaha
pendrive i hilang. :((
pendrive aku ade 3 tapi 2 masih kosong 1 ajek yg pakai tu pon tak pnah nk full hu3..
pendrive eden lak msok virus..cilako..kahhhhh
pc fair kat JB next week. nak beli external drive. :)
ada plak kes, lelaki tu kata nak amik notes dari laptop kawan. rupanya dgn pic2 dia amik. yg tak pakai tudung lak tu. pastu siap kata nak pinjam. takde akal kot
I juz got back from PC fair at MITC. The pendrives are quite cheap. They have pretty unique ones too.
looking for new pendrive too...
pendrive lama member buat hilang. nice...
betul tu! tu yang best pegi last2!
tapi last2 xjadi pegi pun..
tu la pasal. skang ni name je pc fair.
kadang2 lagi mahal pun ade..
nadia yuna,
oh, kat imbi..
robin? sape tu?
oh, awalnye?
beli ape?
mr clive,
terasa ker?
amar syafiq,
taw xpe.. biaselah..
haha.. macam2 perangai manusia ni.
hanida lavida,
oh really?
kene amek ngan pendrive pilferer gak la kot?
budak kuning,
ko taknak bagi aku pendrive ko satu ke?
ala.. senang je kalau pendrive..
format sudehhh..
oh jb minggu depan eh?
bli bape gb?
ke 1tb tros?
haa.. tu la..
kena jaga leklok pendrive ni..
how much????
sya mansor,
tu maknenye ade pendrive pilferer gak la tu..
ko kesian ke apa?
komen ko berbaur pelik
weih,camner nak wat sticky mode?
aku buat2 xboleh pn
sakit jiwa tul
ko nak buat sticky post ke? ko tempek guna gam gajah
haish..memang mals nk g PC fair.. crowded giler and i tend to lose focus kalo ramai2 sgt.. terus rasa rimas, nak blah cepat and end up buying nothing..so better tak payah pegi he he..
ermmbout thumbdrive. I opt for external hardisk rather.. bigger storage for my tv shows and movies..and yess, simpan personal pics are very very very risky..hehehe
malas nak pergi sebab sesak..
aku malas nak menyesak..
baek nye bg nasihat..
leh bkk 'blog nasihat' by arief neyh..heheh x)
ala tak sempat akak nak. gie..aah thumbdrive mmg bahaya..bg pinjam kat sesape..lagi bahaya pinjam thumbdrive member tu ade virus huhuhu..rosak laptop gue
arief ak x g pon taw pc fair..
uhh ak da beridam2 kn dvd writer sbb letop ak letop lme.. cd writer je.. huuu.. bl la nk dpt!!
aku baru ingat nk pcfair nk beli memory..nk upgrade ram aku ni..tp keadaan xmengizinkan..
bahaya tullah nk simpan gmbar sebarng2...abis tue nk simpan kat mana lagi erk...sume nye bahaya...tp xbahaya klau kite care pendrive kite...
pc fair..??xpnah g pun sbb kureng minat...
anis klo g bkn wat pe. duk tengok org je.hehee
org pernah ceroboh pendrive..
hbis pix2 exclusive i tau..
kadang pergi PC fair takde intention nak beli barang pon tapi akan terbelanja jugak..ada sajalah yang menggamit jiwa, tengok mouse pad lawa pun boleh tergoda..
*btw, pc fair skrg tak la murah sgt, they play with free gifts stock lama2 yang derang dah tak nak..
abdull khair,
cadangan anda bernas!
bagitaw la hans.haha
cherrie pie sweety,
yeah. ure right.
bile ade pendrive nak external hdisk.
tp bile ade hdisk nak pendrive lak.
sng nak bawak,hahaha
betul. ramai orang pegi nak menyesak je.haha
haha.. boleh eh bukak blog nasihat?
bagus gak idea tu.
cam orang tua la plakk..hahah
tu la.. byk bahaye nye pendrive ni..
virus tu memang biase sgt lah kan..
bek bli laptop baru tros.
zaman ni mane ade org pakai cd writer dah..
sal xpegi?
best oh tambah ram..
laju gile..
hmm..tu la..
nak selamat simpan dlm pc je la..
takpun cuci gambar tu simpan leklok dlm almari..
haha.. biasela tu..
tu dinamakan menyesak dan menyemak..
mane ade ceroboh.
ter explore je.
yeah. we end up buying rubbish that we dont need huh..
especially gadget2 bodoh ke ape ke kan..
pendrive skang murah gile
i got myself new pink earphones from the pc fair! heheh
walaupun pendrive i hilang.
i dapat mouse baru my bf bagi!
pc fair laa ni :p
yes pendrive is most importnat thing right now..
tp hrg x murah man pc fair..
be je pegi pc fair kt penang sabtu lepas..
gantung pendrive kat leher jadik macam necklace. owh, akan jadi trendsetter pulop nanti. heh
aku tak suka menyesak tengah orang ramai jugak.
menyesak adalah perkataan yg sgt pelik. heehe.
sitie bum bum,
yeah, thats right!
so cheap!
haha.. i just dont get it.
whats with women and pink earphones?
suruh la bf u beli pendrive baru!
mouse je mana cukup!
yeah. memang.
skang pc fair heboh je lebeh.
tapi bukan murah mane pun..
haha.. that was the in thing a few years back..
haha.. betul la perkataan tu..
best kan perkataan menyesak?
Salam..Arief..Huhu..before this kite x pnh pegi PC Fair taw..Ciannye.. :p Br jea pas pegi Ahad lepas tu..Giler ahh sesak mcm sardin!Panazz lak tuh..
Tp best lh dpt beli brg2 yg murah2!
I gave my pendrive to my teacher the other day. She wanted some photos so I masukkan the photos in the pendrive and give it to her.
Ah guess what?
In my pendrive got one folder full of David Archuleta photos and photos of my friends and I when we went to David Archuleta's showcase last April. I skipped school to go to that showcase -__-"
A powerpoint presentation on impotence. Details, translation and elaborations included. Presentation for science class.
Until today I don't know whether my teacher explored my pendrive or not.
If she did, I sure am embarrassed! Haha.
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