No, i didn't hit a bus. And no, i did not get run over by a bus as well.
I'm okay, i'm still alive.
To cut the story short, i was in the bus (on Wednesday), and the bus that i was in hit another bus.
How cool is that huh?
RapidKL Bus
The Metrobus stopped at the side of the main road (typical bus attitude), and so the RapidKL bus was not having any shit and so decided to transform into a Kancil and tries to manoeuvre past the Metrobus.
Here comes a new challenger! Metrobus
Since it's a bus vs a bus, one bus will definitely lose.
And the Metrobus did lose its' side mirror and the RapidKL bus got its windows scratched and cracked.
What makes it interesting is that i was basically seating near the point of contact between the two buses.
I was like WTF?
Figure 1A: How it happened
But the akak behind me dah mengucap-ngucap dah. hahaha
Luckily, nothing major happened, and i'm still alive and unscathed.
And luckily, the bus was slow and the other bus was not moving.
Things would surely have been different if the windows got broken or smashed or something.
Then you might not see this post at all.
*insaf sejenak*
woahhh gila menarik
dah lahh cermin bas rapid besar dabak
bley nampak suma satu-satu terjadi
lagi menarik bila kau duduk betul2 sebelah cermin..
nasib baek idopp weh ^_^
1) How frightening but thank God you are still alive. otherwise ...ngeeeee ...let's not go there..
2) Metrobus is the mobster ! Never mess with them.
alhamdulillah xde pape :)
gue xbape suka naikbas..
walaupun jalan jauh..
sanggup naik keretapi je..
Thank God you're okay.
It's been ages since the last time I go somewhere by bus.
Oh! gila menarik.
Phewww XD
nasib baik selamat.. alhamdulillah :)
sumhow i felt that a bus driver is more 'gangster' than a real gangster. tu belom diorang start marah2 penumpang lagi. seram. -.-"
glad to hear that u'r okay. :)
I'm laughing when read the part yang kakak sebelah mengucap tu
bas rapid mmg mcm tu.. dulu msa kt pantai dalam.. jalan tu macam agak sempit tau.. kete parking kiri kanan..
boleh jer die bergesel dengan kereta yg parking kt tepi jalan tu.. 3,4 buah kete jugakla.. so calar kemek2 sket tepi kete tu.. pastu driver bus tu blah wat bodo jer..
sian tol kt tuan kete tu..
nor atau nad,
haha tau takpe memang nampak semua la kan.. nasib baik idoppp
yeah, thank god!
ive never been on a metrobus, but rapidkl is not too shabby of a mobster as well X)
alhamdulillah X)
keretaapi tak banyak tempat ada..
terpaksa maa T_T
good, and i dont recommend you haha
alia zafrullah,
memang menarik betul lah!
amirrah zawani,
yeah, some of the bus drivers are very langsi one.. hahaha
kakak tu dah muka cuak dah kot!
budak peghelih,
haha kat pantai dalam tu lagi la dahsyat.. dah memang macam mini jakarta dah pun.. hahaha
driver bas masing2 takde kesedaran sivik!
sejenak jelah kau insaf kannn :p
thanks goodness. u're saved! :)
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